
“Do what you love. Know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it, and gnaw it still.” – Henry David Thoreau

This is the workspace where my personal life and professional life overlap, as it no longer makes sense to divide them.  The two share a significant connection – dogs.

I am a dog owner and a dog trainer.  The experiences I have with my dogs, with client dogs, and even the experiences I have without dogs shape one another.  I value these influences and wish to learn as much as I can from them.  The blog on this site is a platform for furthering my understanding about dogs and dog training through consideration of these influences.  But there will be the occasional post that is off topic.  Although dogs are a big part of my life, they aren’t my only interest.

So, please, look around.  Read.  Comment.  I’m often a teacher for my clients, but I don’t for a second pretend that I’m not also a student.  I want to learn from you, as well.  Opinion and debate are encouraged.

If you are here strictly for business, visit The Clever Canine portion of this site.  I do private instruction for owners and their dogs in Morgantown, WV and Columbus, OH.  If you are looking for a more detailed description of who I am as a professional trainer, be sure to visit the About the Trainer section.